Privacy policy

HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH considers the protection of the privacy and personality of every employee or applicant to be very important and therefore endeavours to comply with the relevant provisions of data protection laws to the best of its knowledge and belief.

What data is collected and where and in what form is it stored?
In order to process an application optimally, HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH collects and stores relevant personal data, including notes from interviews, tests, CVs, certificates, reference checks, ID cards, criminal records and various questionnaires and evaluation forms. This data includes information about identity, salary, education, training, professional career, expectations, skills, personality, health, etc., hereinafter referred to as ‘personal data’.

The personal data relevant to the HR department and the company are recorded and stored in our HR information system both digitally and in paper form (handwritten notes). To ensure that this data is up to date, it is constantly checked to see whether it is no longer necessary, necessary, correct or required, and if it needs to be updated, corrected or deleted.

Right of access
Employees / applicants of HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH are generally entitled to full and correct information about which data concerning them is being processed. This right of access may only be refused or restricted if formal laws and regulations provide for this or if the overriding interests of a third party prevent it. This means that employees / applicants of HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH can in principle request to inspect their personnel file, whereby they must announce the inspection in good time.

Duty to provide information
As a personnel service provider, HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH must provide all necessary information and submit the necessary documents at the request of the relevant licensing authority. In the area of collective agreements, this duty of disclosure also applies to the competent joint bodies, for all documents to be submitted in the context of controls on compliance with local working conditions. In areas without collective agreements, the same duty of disclosure applies to the competent control authorities and joint commissions.

Accuracy of data
Employees / applicants can request the correction or deletion of incorrect personal data at any time. However, the complete deletion of personal data can only be requested if there is no longer an employment relationship with HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH or after a period of at least ten years since the end of the employment relationship with HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH.

Transfer of personal data to third parties
Insofar as it is necessary for the provision of the personnel services offered by HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH, HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH will in any case forward the personal data to its customers / contractual partners. It alone decides whether the data is passed on to third parties openly, partially or completely anonymised.

HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH may pass on personal data to administrative authorities, courts, consultants and independent third parties as far as necessary and appropriate. The prerequisite for a transfer / disclosure is the performance due to applicable law, as well as when HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH believes that such actions are reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with applicable law. The candidate can revoke the disclosure of his data to third parties in writing at any time.

Transfer of personal data abroad
HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH may also pass on personal data to its parent company and third parties across national borders under the same conditions as for the transfer of personal data to third parties.

Statistical evaluations and surveys
Personal data can only be evaluated for statistical purposes after anonymisation and for analyses / forecasts if the possibility of drawing conclusions about the data subject is excluded (complete anonymisation).

Reference information
By agreeing to the above conditions, the employee / applicant of HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH expressly consents to the obtaining of corresponding references from the persons named and to the processing and transmission of the personal data required for this purpose under the stated conditions, whether in writing, orally, by e-mail or fax.

Acknowledgement of data protection declaration
The applicant / employee confirms the completeness and correctness of his personal data by signing the registration form or by authorising the online application via the Internet and undertakes to inform HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH immediately of any changes to his personal data. At the same time, he declares his unconditional agreement with the data protection guidelines of HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH.

The place of jurisdiction is the location where the application was submitted. If this location cannot be clearly determined or if the application was submitted from abroad, Bad Krozingen is the place of jurisdiction. German law applies exclusively.

Bad Krozingen, January 2017


Download the Hans Leutenegger GmbH privacy policy