Hans Leutenegger GmbH - Legal Notices Website

This website is operated by HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH, Schwarzwaldstrasse 3, D-79189 Bad Krozingen/Germany and maintained by WeServe AG, Könizstrasse 161, CH-3097 Bern-Liebefeld/Switzerland.


Notes on the company
Schwarzwaldstr. 3
D-79189 Bad Krozingen

Fon: +49 7633 939 36 60
Fax: +49 7633 939 36 61

Amtsgericht Freiburg i.Br. HRB 310 989
USt ID-Nr. DE236039952

Managing director
Jean-Claude Leutenegger (jcl@hansleutenegger.ch)
CH-1202 Genève/Schweiz, Rue Jean-Charles Amat 9

Urs Vögele-Freund (voegele@hansleutenegger.ch)
CH-1202 Genève/Schweiz, Rue Jean-Charles Amat 9

Supervisory authority
Federal Employment Agency
From 05/08/2004 temporary and from 05/08/2007 permanent licence for commercial provision of temporary workers

Use and copyright of the website HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH


The content of the HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH website is protected by copyright. This applies in particular to logos, emblems, images and brands. Downloading or printing individual pages or documents is generally permitted, provided that neither the copyright notices nor any other legally protected designations are removed.

If data is downloaded from the HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH website or reproduced in any other way, all property rights remain with HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH. The complete or partial reproduction, transmission, modification, linking or use of the HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH website for public or commercial purposes is not permitted without the written consent of HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH.

No warranty
The website of HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH cannot guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, correctness and completeness of the information contained therein. The information contained on the HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH website is subject to change at any time and without notice.

No warranty
HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH does not accept any responsibility and gives no guarantee that the functions of the website will be available without interruption or are free of error or that the HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH website and the provider server are free of viruses or other harmful programmes.

HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH does not accept any liability for damages or consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use or inability to use this website.

Links to other websites
The HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH has not examined the websites linked to the HANS LEUTENEGGER GmbH website, which are intended solely as an additional service for users, and does not accept any responsibility for their content, products offered, services or other components.


Concept, design, hosting
WeServe AG
digital business solutions
Könizstrasse 161
CH-3097 Bern-Liebefeld

Bad Krozingen, im Januar 2017

Legal information – Hans Leutenegger GmbH (PDF)